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Privacy Policy

We collect the following categories of personal information, at all times, subject to the requirements of applicable law.

The provision of personal information as described in this notice is partly a statutory requirement, partly a contractual requirement under your tenancy, and partly a requirement to rent a property to you. You are required to provide personal information to us so that we can rent a property to you, and not providing the required information may prevent us from being able to rent a property to you or may require us to terminate your tenancy, as necessary and permitted by law. In any instance(s) where providing personal information is not needed in connection with a tenancy, we will inform you that further provision of personal information is entirely voluntary.
We also use your personal information for our own marketing purposes, including sending you information about products and services that we believe you may be interested in. We will only do so in the event that you have affirmatively consented to receive marketing communications, and you can always opt out at a later date if you choose.
If we ever need to use personal information for any purpose(s) that is not specified herein, we will first either ask for your express consent, or we will make sure that we have a lawful basis for such use, and will inform you prior to the use for any such purposes. 
Under what conditions does Studenco SLE  transfer personal information to a third party(s)?
We do not sell, trade, share or rent the personal information provided by you to us, either directly or through our website(s), to third parties. We will only transfer your personal information to third parties as follows:
With Entities Which Studenco SLE  is Directly Affiliated With. Studenco SLE  is a part of the Satori Group Berlin group of companies, and as a global firm, certain departments are located at other Satori Group Berlin group entities, whether in the European Union, United Kingdom, the United States, Latin American countries, or elsewhere. Therefore, our parent entity in the United States, Satori Group Berlin, LLC ("Satori Group Berlin US") and other Satori Group Berlin group of companies may receive or have access to personal information collected hereunder. Any access to personal information is restricted to those individuals that have a need to know in order to fulfill their job responsibilities. Any cross-border transfer of personal information is done at all times in compliance with applicable law(s), and subject to binding contractual requirements.
With your landlord. We may share your personal information with your landlord when this is required to provide services to tenants pursuant to your tenancy agreement. Your landlord can be found listed on your tenancy agreement.
With Your Consent. We may share your personal information when we have your consent.
With Studenco SLE  Service Providers. We employ certain other companies and people to perform tasks on our behalf and, in certain instances, we need to share your personal information with them in order to ensure they can do their jobs properly. We do so at all times in accordance with and subject to binding contractual requirements on our service providers, and unless we expressly notify you otherwise, our service providers do not have any rights to your personal information beyond what is necessary to assist us. Examples of such service providers include, amongst others:
Facilities maintenance and site support providers, so that we may fix on-site issues that are reported to us
Our lawyers and accountants, for which legal advice and professional tax and accountancy services, are required for us to perform our contractual obligations.
Legal Obligations. When served with a valid subpoena, court order, or other legal process(es), or otherwise at the verified and legitimate request of law enforcement or government agencies, we will share personal information which we hold with such parties in order to establish, protect, or exercise our legal or other rights or to defend against a legal claim, or as otherwise required or allowed by law. We reserve the right to disclose your personal information in order to protect the rights, property, or safety of a user or another person, as well as to disclose your personal information to investigate or prevent your violation of any contractual or other relationship with us or your illegal or harmful activity.
Legitimate Business Transfers. In the event we undergo a business transaction such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your personal information may be among the assets transferred. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur and are permitted by this Privacy Notice and that any acquirer of our assets may continue to process your personal information as set forth in this Privacy Notice.
How does Studenco SLE  secure personal information and other data?
We maintain appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal information and/or against accidental loss, alteration, disclosure or access, or accidental or unlawful destruction of or damage to personal information. Our data security and privacy measures are at all times in accordance with applicable law and regulatory guidance. Any access to your personal information is restricted to those individuals that have a need to know in order to fulfil their job responsibilities, and we take appropriate steps to ensure that such personnel are bound to duties of confidentiality with respect to personal information.
How long does Studenco SLE  retain personal information?
We store your personal information for as long as you maintain a business relationship with Studenco SLE  so that we are able to properly perform our obligations and to achieve the purposes for which the personal information was collected, at all times in accordance with applicable data protection laws. When we no longer need to use your personal information, we will remove it from our systems and records and/or take steps to properly render it unintelligible so that you can no longer be identified from it.
For Studenco SLE  tenants, personal information will be held for a period of seven (7) years following the end of your tenancy in order for us to comply with legal and regulatory obligations to which we are subject, including the need to support or defend a legal claim that is not yet barred by any applicable statute of limitations. If you are not a Studenco SLE  Tenant, your personal information will be removed no more than two (2) years after the conclusion of our business relationship.
International transfers of personal information
Your personal information may be transferred to, and processed in, countries other than the country in which you are resident. These countries may have data protection laws that are different to the laws of your country (and, in some cases, may not be as protective).
Specifically, our website servers are located in the United Kingdom, and our group companies and third party service providers and partners operate around the world.  This means that when we collect your personal information we may process it in another country.
However, we have taken appropriate safeguards to require that your personal information will remain protected in accordance with this Privacy Notice. This includes implementing the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses and the UK's International Data Transfer Agreement for transfers of personal information between our group companies, which require all group companies to protect personal information they process from the EEA/UK in accordance with European Union data protection law.  We have implemented similar appropriate safeguards with our third party service providers.
Your data protection rights
If you are in the European Union or UK, then you have certain rights regarding your personal information. Specifically, you are entitled to:
Right to Access: You can request Studenco SLE  to provide you with copies of your personal information which we have on file. We may charge a small fee for this service.
Right to Rectification: You can request that Studenco SLE  correct any information that we maintain about you which you believe to be inaccurate. You can also request that we complete and/or fully update any information about you which you believe to be incomplete.
Right to Erasure: You can request that Studenco SLE  erase your personal information that we maintain about you, under certain conditions.
Right to Restrict Processing: You can request that Studenco SLE  restrict our processing of the personal information that we maintain about you, under certain conditions.
Right to Object to Processing: You can object to Studenco SLE ’s processing of your personal information, under certain conditions.
Right to Data Portability:  You can request that Studenco SLE  transfer the personal information and other data that we maintain about you to another organisation, or directly to you, under certain conditions.
Right to revoke consent: You can revoke your consent at any time by providing notice to us via email at
We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
In addition to the above rights, EU and UK data subjects also have the right to file a complaint about the processing of their personal information with their local data protection authority.
Studenco SLE  does not make decisions of legal effect on or about data subjects solely via automated processing of personal information.
If you wish to contact us in order to make a request, you may do so via the information provided in the ‘Contact Us’ section below.
Use of Cookies and Similar Technology
Cookies are text files placed on your device intended to collect standard log information and details on user behaviour. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to optimise our website, and we may collect information from you automatically through these cookies and similar technologies.
Studenco SLE  utilises the following types of cookies:
· Strictly necessary cookies: These are essential to allow you to navigate our website and use its features. Absent these cookies, you would not be able to utilise any of the services available on our website.
· Performance cookies: These collect information about how visitors use our website, and we use this information to improve it and aid our investigations into any issues which arise. Performance cookies do not collect any information that can be used to identify a specific visitor.
· Functionality cookies: These cookies allow our website to recall the choices that you make and provide personalisation. These cookies cannot track your browsing activity on other websites.
We use cookie data to customise your experience when you use our website and when you are considering our services. You can configure your internet browser to warn you each time a cookie is being sent or to refuse cookies completely; however, if you opt not to accept cookies from our website you will not be able to take full advantage of all of the features on our website. In addition to cookies, we also use:
Web Beacons: We use web beacons to help us better manage content on our website by informing us of what content is effective. Web beacons are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, and are used to track the online movements of web users. This information is used to help improve the overall quality and experience of our visitors.
Embedded Script is programming code that collects information about your interactions with the Studenco SLE  website, such as the links you click on. The code is temporarily downloaded onto your device from our server or a third-party service provider and is deactivated or deleted when you disconnect from our website.
In addition, we may integrate into the website technology provided by third parties (e.g., Google Analytics) to accomplish similar information collection. We may also use a variety of other technologies that collect similar information for security and fraud detection purposes.
For further information, you can visit  
Specific Cookies that Studenco SLE  Uses
Cookies may be set either by Studenco SLE  or by a third-party website. The tables below identify all of the cookies that we use and explain the purpose(s) for which they are used.

Third-Party Websites
In certain circumstances, the Studenco SLE  website may contain links to other, third-party websites. These links are for convenience only. Studenco SLE  does not operate or maintain such third-party websites. As such, the contents of this Privacy Notice are inapplicable to those third-party websites and we encourage you to carefully review the privacy practices of any other website which you navigate to via Studenco SLE .
Changes to this Privacy Notice
We regularly maintain and take steps to ensure that this notice is up-to-date, and in doing so it may be amended from time-to-time, consistent with the requirements of applicable law. Any updates will be reflected here, and as required, appropriate notice will be given concerning any such amendment and consent will be obtained to the extent consent is legally required. This notice was last updated on 18 April 2023. 
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice, or wish to exercise any of your rights in and to your personal information, please feel free to contact us at:
For the UK:
Post: Studenco SLE  c/o Satori Group Berlin

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